Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Ben Bruno Training - He Is Training Super Models With Heavy Weights, What's Stopping You?

If you aren't following Ben Bruno on Facebook, I recommend you DO! He has great video clips of awesome exercises that he does with his clients - many of them super models. And guess what they are doing? Weight training. 

I also recently started following him on Instagram and he had this post:

Woman: I've tried 'everything' to lose fat.
Me: Do you lift weights or do sleds?
Her: No
Me: Then you've tried everything except what works.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! This made me crack up! So true. But I bet she's eating low carb and running. (ME - eye roll)

Have any of you tried sleds? They are so great - and maybe I'm twisted, but I think they are fun. You can see Kate Upton performing them with Ben here:

Talk about a great leg workout and cranking up your heart rate. I do not sweat much when I workout, but this will do it!

Once a week I do these as a Tabata cash out to one of my workouts and I love it. I do them at home sometimes in the winter when I don't feel like schlepping my butt out in the cold. I stack three laundry baskets together and throw in a bunch of Kettlebells and I push them along my basement floor. :) 

I monitored my heart rate again this morning (funny how many comments I got about Zuzka, but nothing about the heart rate info.....?!) I did 10 minutes of alternating between jumping rope and Kettlebell snatches. My heart rate went up to 123. My highest for my age could be 147. I seriously don't know what I would have to do to get it that damn high. Snatches burn more calories per minute than any other exercise! It's fun experimenting regardless. I went and did some handstands and yoga afterwards. More my speed anyways!


  1. I love that you post your honest opinions about things. It is goid to read different opinions and views and it is your blog! I don't measure heart rate so can't respond. But I am interested in looking up this ben bruno. Thanks!

    1. Thank you Tracey. I am honest. Not everyone likes it! Ben Bruno rocks. Let us know what you think.

  2. I will check out Ben Bruno for sure. I haven't been lifting heavily for the past almost two months and it's been a good change, but not something I'll keep up for good. Kinda needed to give my body a break and figure out nutrition and rest/recovery. Sometimes our bodies need that. At the same time, however, I feel like I've lost some strength, although I've slimmed down (which I'm happy about - I don't weigh myself). Today I lifted a bit heavier than I normally do and will work to get some strength back.

    The only thing that trips me up is diet..... I need to figure that out so as to gain (and lose!) the right kind of mass.

    I don't track my HR either but appreciate you sharing; it's an huge factor to consider when comes to exertion/expenditure.

    1. DIET!!!! The damn bread and chocolate are my weaknesses. Not pizza, chips, alcohol, or candy, just bread and chocolate.

    2. I agree, definitely chocolate, and sometimes I overdo the nuts (walnuts and cashew, omg, love!). Sometimes bread but I do keep it "in check" sometimes...

      I need to figure out how to eat enough of the right kind of food to encourage muscle growth while also stimulating fat loss. It's a science, one of trial and error, for sure. I may seek out a nutritionist (short-term) just to get some insight and then work from there. My brain feels like it short circuits sometimes (not all the time) because I don't eat enough, and not intentionally. So I DEFINITELY need to figure that out before adding more weight to my routine.

      (I will gladly share in comments or email what I find out!)

  3. 147 sounds quite low to me as your maximum. Also the 123 when you are really pushing. But I don´t know, maybe your resting heart rate is like 8 or something. =D I can pretty easily hit 160-170 (I´m 35 years young.) My resting HR is around 50, sometimes even under that. 123 sounds like a warm up to me. =D Back in the day there was this formula: 220-your age=your maximum. That would make your max to be 175. I did some research and found out the formula is a bit different these days: 206- 80% of your age=your maximum. Still 147 seems quite low for you... This is interesting though. =D What kind of heart rate monitor are you using? Maybe it´s not accurate...? Just a thought. =D

    I always sweat, like buckets, especially if the w/o is hard! =D

    1. I am wondering too if it in an accurate heart rate monitor (it's a FitBit). My resting heart rate is quite low, under 40. I am also 46 years old though. I did a Crossfit workout this morning and I still only got up to 123! And I was DYING.
      The 175 would be MAX. It is not recommended you workout to your max, but 65-85%. The 147 would be 85% for me. I think all the yoga I do with breath control might have something to do with it too.

    2. Oh, I remembered you are 45. Close enough. =D Yeah, sure, you are not meant to train at your maximum level, but it´s ok to get quite close to that number shortly. =D Your very low resting HR explains a lot, I think. =D

    3. And also, I don´t know how accurate FitBit is. Never have used one. When I was still using a HR monitor, it was always Polar. Good brand. I don´t use it anymore, because at some point I noticed I got a bit obsessed about it; it was time to let it go. =D

      P.S I crave chocolate a lot if there is not enough fat in my normal diet. Don´t know about you, guys. =D Usually my weakness is sugar overall, especially candy. And baked goodies. Yammy. =D

  4. I love handstands started Z workouts again and I have improved already lol 😁 I have always loved your honesty xo

  5. I love handstands started Z workouts again and I have improved already lol 😁 I have always loved your honesty xo

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